Elanti is a small media production house with a big heart.
Established in 2016 by producer/director Vanessa Wells, our BHAG* is to tread lightly and help make the world a better place. A little cheesy we know, but hey, talking out loud about stuff is a great way to start making change.
*BHAG = Big Hairy Audacious Goal!
Elanti creates film, television and interactive content, predominantly in the social change genre. We have grown to collaborate with some incredible people and companies, usually on a freelance basis or project contract.
We strive to tread lightly and as such we are a carbon neutral company - after being fully certified with Toitū Envirocare for 4 years, we are now measuring our footprint independently because we are such a small company. We would be delighted to talk through our systems and how we measure our emissions, how we reduce what we can, and offset what we can’t.
In the last 4 years we have reduced our footprint by 60%. This reduction was quite straightforward - and now the hard part begins, managing our footprint as we grow.
Adventurous or social change docos, fictional stories showcasing the human condition or strong character relationships (short film or feature length) are the kinds of projects Elanti is interested in.
If you want to talk about anything like this - get in touch!
Measuring our Carbon Footprint - Our Journey to Carbon Neutral:
Elanti is proudly carbon neutral.
We walk the talk, and recognise that we need to be accountable for our impacts on the world. As such, Elanti commits to operating as a carbon neutral business, and encourages collaborators to do the same. And we are very happy to further discuss our audit process or our Environmental Policy (which we review each year) - please contact Vanessa directly with any questions.
The techy bit … Our current “carbon footprint” in the 2021/22 financial year was audited at 5.84 tCO2e. This was a decrease from 2020/21 at 8.46 tonnes and 2019/20 at 11.52 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents, and 15.16 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents in 2018/19. And this is only the start of our carbon reduction journey. We are actively reducing our impacts by:
reducing our travel where we can - not so hard in this post-Covid world!
when we do travel (and making global films does require flying from New Zealand) - we make our travel count, and pack in as much as possible to every trip. We also take the time to work out is it better to drive or fly? We often have choices.
reducing our fossil fuel use (diesel and LPG specifically), switching to renewable energy sources and reducing our reliance on “the grid”.
supporting our regenerative farmers and other local suppliers where we can, and using other partners who are also “treading lightly”.
While we take action to reduce our emissions, we are proactively offsetting our impacts through the purchase of carbon credits from local projects such as Hinewai Reserve, an ecological restoration project on Banks Peninsula, and others in New Zealand.
Photo credit: Dan Poulton